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Safety Training For Practical Life - Žilina

Safety training for practical life

The main objectives of the project are to reduce employees’ fear of providing first aid at the workplace, to increase practical skills and motivation to provide first aid and to make these trainings more attractive. The target group is employees of companies who will actively participate in first aid training using the provided methodology.

The project will be led by trained coordinators and lecturers from the Slovak Red Cross in Žilina and representatives of the Research Institute of Occupational Safety and Health as experts in occupational safety and health awareness. The motivation of the project is to provide quality first aid education and training in order to reduce the number of work accidents and to enable employees to provide first aid effectively. The project will use statistical data to identify the most common types of occupational accidents and design a new teaching methodology using interactive games and practical exercises. The project will also create a website with videos, podcasts, posters and checklists to provide resources and support after the training.


The Slovak Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and operates in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the guidelines and other documents adopted by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

The Slovak Red Cross, Zilina Territorial Association provides first aid assistance services at sports, cultural, presentation and other events where there is an increased risk of injury or an increased number of people.

Slovenský červený kríž

Occupatinal Safety Research Institute

The main activity of OSRI is the research, verification and application of methods and means in the area of ​​prevention of risks to health and lives of persons, environment and material goods resulting from work activities and improvement of working comfort and quality of working life. It also deals with operational research, ie monitoring the status and development of occupational health and safety, maintaining data and statistics in the field of occupational safety and health. It serves as an analytical and conceptual workplace in the field of occupational health and safety.

The subject of further activities of OSRI is the development and operation of factual, bibliographic and intelligence information systems in the field of OSH, fulfilling tasks in the field of standardization, conformity assessment and certification, fulfilling tasks of a specialized workplace for prevention and promotion of health and safety at work, fulfilling the function of advisory and consulting center and expert activity in the area of ​​occupational health and safety.

The scope of other activities of OSRI is related to scientific, research and development activities and activities aimed at more efficient use of human resources and assets of the institution. These are mainly expert advisory, consultancy and information activities in the areas of the Institute, publishing, training and educational activities, surveys and consultancy in the field of OHS and human resources, certification and quality assessment of programs and services in the field of the Institute, provision and organization of professional and educational events.


Project schedule

February-April 2023

4.4. 2023 First meeting in Prague
4. 4. 2023 First meeting in Prague

Activity 1 – Project preparation

Project preparation, data collection, definition of activities

May-June 2023
Training for Trainers

 First Aid Trainer Course 
5. – 8. 6.2023 – First Aid Trainer Course 

Aktivity 2 – Training for Trainers

Preparation of training for Slovak and Czech team, preparation of materials

June 2023 – February 2024
Creation of materials for practice

Podcast preparation in Prague
25. – 26. 2. 2024 – Podcast preparation in Prague

Activity 3 – Creation of materials for practice

Creating posters, workbooks, videos and podcasts

Application and testing of the developed materials in practice

Application and testing of the developed materials in practice

Activity 4 – training in companies

Application and testing of the developed materials in practice

Evaluation meeting and final conference Safety Training 4 Practical Life

Activity 5 – final conference

Evaluation meeting and final conference Safety Training 4 Practical Life